
Introduction to Theology


10 Session • Up to 1.5 Hours Each • Workbook/Syllabus

C. Michael Patton is the president of Credo House Ministries and the founder of Credo Courses. He has his Th.M. from Dallas Theological Seminary and has been teaching systematic theology for nearly 20 years. His publications include Now that I’m a Christian and Increase my Faith. Rhome Dyke, Th.M. Dallas Theological Seminary, joins him teaching this course.



This course is can be taken individually or with the other five courses in “The Theology Program.”


This is a theological studies methods course. Its primary purpose is to teach you skills for developing a Christian mind, by helping you construct a solid foundation for thinking through life’s most important issues. We will begin by establishing the reality and nature of truth and then learn that rightly interpreted Scripture is the final arbiter of truth. You will learn about various sources for theology and the way that different people use and misuse these sources. This course endeavors to enable people to think theologically and construct a biblical worldview that makes the Christian’s witness relevant to all people in need.

This course can be taken individually but is also part of a six-part series called The Theology Program.

Here is the entire first session.

Course Sessions

(1-1.5 hours each)

  1. Class Introduction
  2. Defining Theology
  3. Categories of Theology
  4. Post-modern Epistemology
  5. Christian Epistemology
  6. Defining Essentials and Non-Essentials
  7. Traditions in Christian Theology
  8. Sources of Theology
  9. Does God Still Speak Today?
  10. Unity & Diversity

What pastors and scholars are saying about this course:

“If it is your desire to understand what you believe and why you believe it, then The Theology Program is for you. Here you will learn the basic principles of how to think biblically. Rhome and Michael take theology from the top shelf and place it where it belongs-where everyone can reach it.”

Chuck Swindoll
Senior Pastor, Stonebriar Community Church
Author, Speaker, Radio Host

“…Theology Program offers so much more to lay folks than they could get in any other forum. TTP challenges their thinking, rather than confirming their prejudices. And it does it in a way that is fair to all parties and faithful to the text of Holy Writ. If this kind of program could be multiplied in churches throughout America and the world, there would be hope for the evangelical church. Solid biblical and theological thinking are desperately needed in our circles today; without it, the evangelical church doesn’t have 50 years of life left. May our gracious and sovereign Lord raise up more folks who will become serious thinkers, people who will engage society and life from a thoroughly converted perspective.”

Daniel B. Wallace
Professor of New Testament Studies, Dallas Theological Seminary
Senior New Testament Editor, The NET Bible

“I cannot overstate how thrilled I am with the training material in The Theology Program. For 25 years I have been laboring to call the church to love God with its mind, and wherever I go I am constantly asked for examples of local church curriculum that responds to this call with excellence. Well, look no further. The Theology Program is the best thing I have seen to date and recommend it with great excitement.”

Now I use it constantly, I am glad that the drug is inexpensive. More information on good remedy for headaches. Often the head hurts, migraine presses very hard. I tried a number of different drugs, either they do not help at all, or I have to wait a very long time for the effect. Tramadol once someone slipped, accepted and the pain quickly subsided.

JP Moreland 
Distinguished Professor of Philosophy, Talbot School of Theology, Biola University

“Every church ought to make use of The Theology Program or something like it. I commend it as a model of lay theological education and wish it good success in helping Christians to love God with all their minds.”

Roger E. Olson
Professor of Theology
George W. Truett Theological Seminary, Baylor University

“Although I differ with The Theology Program on some issues, on the whole I think it is an excellent program and I commend it to students of theology. These are very difficult issues, and you’ve treated them thoroughly, fairly, and with considerable balance. You’ve mapped a careful path through this minefield! The teaching method is superb: wonderfully varied and practical as well as richly biblical. What you have here is the best thing I’ve ever seen for laymen in this area. I hope it gets wide distribution.”

John M. Frame
Professor of Systematic Theology and Philosophy, Reformed Theological Seminary



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