


This four-session course addresses the following topics surrounding Heresies both old and new that the church has contended with over the centuries:

Session 1 – The Prosperity Gospel
Session 2 – The Atonement
Session 3 – Gnosticism
Session 4 – Pelagianism

C. Michael Patton and Tim Kimberley


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Introducing the captivating digital download, “Heresies.” In this thought-provoking four-session course, theologians C. Michael Patton and Tim Kimberley delve into the intriguing world of heresies that have both haunted and shaped the church throughout history. Available in either MP3 or MP4 format, this enlightening resource offers a deep exploration of key topics that continue to influence contemporary Christian thought.

Session 1, “The Prosperity Gospel,” dissects one of the most prevalent and controversial modern heresies. Discover the origins, implications, and theological fallacies of this belief system that intertwines faith and material wealth. Through engaging lectures, Patton and Kimberley provide valuable insights into its allure and the potential harm it can cause to the church and its followers.

In Session 2, “The Atonement Heresies,” embark on a theological journey examining the various misconceptions surrounding the profound sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Engage with the challenging question of whether God would truly allow the death of His own Son, and explore the implications of different perspectives on the nature and purpose of the atonement.

Session 3 unveils the captivating world of Gnosticism, an ancient heresy that has left an indelible mark on Christian history. Gain a comprehensive understanding of its core tenets, its clashes with orthodox Christianity, and the enduring influence it has had on spirituality, philosophy, and the interpretation of biblical texts.

In the final session, “Pelagianism,” unravel the intricacies of this ancient heresy that challenged the notion of original sin and the role of divine grace in human salvation. Deepen your understanding of the debates that unfolded in the early church and explore the implications of Pelagianism on the understanding of human nature and the need for divine redemption.

Led by the expert guidance of C. Michael Patton and Tim Kimberley, this course presents a unique opportunity to delve into the fascinating world of heresies, old and new. With their engaging teaching style and profound insights, Patton and Kimberley navigate the complexities of these contentious topics, offering a balanced and scholarly perspective that will enrich your theological knowledge and equip you to navigate the challenges faced by the church today.

Don’t miss out on this invaluable resource that offers a deep dive into the historical and contemporary challenges to orthodox Christian beliefs. Download the MP3 or MP4 format of “Heresies Unveiled: Exploring Ancient and Modern Challenges to the Church” and embark on a transformative journey towards a more comprehensive understanding of the Christian faith.